Glitter Words
[ - *Glitter Words*]

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Grand Round

First time aku masuk grand round that day .... BOS aku terus tanya aku, Haikal can u give me 10 function Of kidney....aku biase la Bekas HO yang tak berape cerdik nih jawab ngan gagap 1 per 1

1. excretion of waste product esp nitrogenous waste (urea)
2. Acid-Base balance
3. Osmolality Regulation (ADH)
4. Blood pressure control (RAS)
5. Hormone secretion ( erythropoitien)

tuh jerr ynag aku jawab 5 lagi aku tak tau ... memang aku tak tau ... and boss suruh aku cari .. sampai sekarang nih pon aku tak cari lagi .. sebab MALAS hehehe

Monday, March 28, 2011

First daY

8/12/2010 ari pertama aku jadi MO nephro ...huhu gabra ..dalam kepala Hotak aku huhu Nephro kena balik kul 10 malam sebab maser aku kat HUSM ..nephro MO la plaing BUsy during medical rotation... everyday dengar dorg dok menyumpah nyumpah ...huhu...dan Kepala Hotak aku pon same la menyumpah nyumpah
kenape la aku dapat Nephro
aku mintak O&G
ku nak O&G
kenape nephro???
bukan ke O&G perlu kan Org ... kan aku dah ade nih
Kenape nephro nak amik aku
huhu... kenape aku dihumban ke sini

dan dalam Kepala HOtak aku dok Pikir Benda nih jerr

N- nothing specific i can tell
E - Everything  Is Kidney
P - Push your things away... only work in your mind
H - heartless (when i thinking about STAB PD)
R - rota oncall sure busy
O - O&G byebye

It just begin

Sunday, March 27, 2011


huhu ...tambah satu blog lagi for my new adventurous posting
for the first sight is not interesting posting i ever had,
but  it's just beginning of the story.....
but when i step down my foot in this posting ... damn it very intresting even more than what i ever expected

i loved nephro...

now IM the MO nephro working as

- counselor
- social worker
- teacher (soon)
- butcher
- nurse
- and last but not least AS MD

but love in counselor and social worker really help them to

- eat as what we did
- play as what we did
- sleep as what we did
- sharing as what we did
- live as what we did

  ps:// O&G 50-50m...kesian member member dah tunggu kat saner ... aku may be takkan sampai ke sane kot hmmmm..aku dah stuck kat sini